Media Action Plan for the Event

The primary purpose of Prepare for Change is to help ensure the Event happens as smoothly and peacefully as possible, and media will play a major central role at the Event, especially in the first few days and weeks. All main stream media will be cut off from control structures and they will be immediately used by the Light forces to communicate clear information about what is truly going on. This is a very important factor because triggers of fear in humanity could result in violence and not easily resolved conflicts.

Clear, easily digestable information given to the general population very quickly at the moment of the Event through mass media is the most critical and effective thing to maintain calm and harmony, and doing it effectively requires understanding of the situation:

  • All the famous figures in main stream media are either directly mind control victims, or simply so deeply endocrinated and programmed that none of them will be able to relay the actual truth. Therefore other people will have to do the job.
  • Positive military and Resistance Movement people will not be able to do this because this would trigger too many fears of a military coup in humanity. Such fears could generate violence. Therefore civilians will be needed to do the job. This factor is also relevant to all aspects of Prepare for Change : military and resistance groups can not be doing everything alone otherwise people could fall into fear and violence. Resistance and positive military will do a lot, still they will need us to participate. Strong civilian organisation and community efforts are among the most effective solutions to defuse tension in the first few days and weeks after the Event.
  • There are a few facts which will absolutely need to be communicated widely in priority to avoid triggers and tension: “This is not a coup. This is not martial law. Nobody is taking charge of the country. These are lawful arrests and many proofs are available to justify these arrests and they will be presented here and now. A true democratic process is being initiated and new elections will be held as soon as possible. Your money hasn’t disappeared. The financial system has been so corrupted by these criminals that the whole computer system it is based on needs to be restarted in order to delete unfair and illegal financial programs, and to re-distribute stolen money to the people it belongs to. The stolen money belongs to every human on Earth. This money has been stolen from you through taxes and other means throughout centuries, and it will be re-distributed to every human being on Earth as soon as the financial system re-opens in a few days”.

“No law of any kind is going to be imposed on you. Your destiny is in your hands through true democratic process”.

“We need your help, every one of you, to ensure peace, and that everybody is being taken care of and supported during this time of transition”.

You don’t necessarily need to quote these word by word, what matters is the essence of the message.

These are fairly simple points which will absolutely need to be respected in order to avoid violence.

Choice of words, energetic clarity and timing of our media responses will be very critical for the turn of events which will affect billions of people in the first few days after the Event. The Resistance knows who would be suitable for this job and they will be able to open doors for these people to access the mainstream media.

There will need to be people all over the world doing this. These people will need to be able to respond quickly and to maintain their clarity throughout the process.

1 thought on “Media Action Plan for the Event”

  1. It is stated that ““This is not a coup. This is not martial law. Nobody is taking charge of the country. These are lawful arrests and many proofs are available to justify these arrests and they will be presented here and now. A true democratic process is being initiated and new elections will be held as soon as possible.””
    I hope these actions include all countries and nations, especially those that are under despotism and oppression of monarch and dictators, such most countries in Middle East.


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